One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

It has been great being home and starting to catch up with everyone. Since returning, people have asked a normal series of questions: How have you been? (Good) You have been away for how long?! (Yes, it was two years) Do you speak Italian? (Sì, ma certo) How is it living in Italy? (Quite a bit different that home) and the list could go one. But, the most interesting question for me to answer is: what is something I have taken away, or someway I’ve grown. During my time abroad, the best experience, and most profound take away is experiencing the Church in her unity and universality (or as we say in the creed on Sundays as One, … , Catholic, … Church).

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He is Risen, He is Truly Risen

Hosanna in excelsis! I have gone “to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb.” (Jn 20:1) The tomb is empty, our Lord has risen. In dying he destroyed death, and in rising restored life. Let us proclaim the glory of God as He secures the victory of our salvation. What began in the Upper Room on Thursday, journeyed to the Crucifixion on Friday, has now been finished this day. Hosanna in excelsis!

Dominus Meus et Deus Meus, my Lord and my God, pour out Your new life into me, that I may believe in you ever more fully. Fill me with your spirit, that this lenten journey might not haven been in vain, that I might not remain unaffected having stood at Your cross. Help me that I might be able to participate in Your resurrection now, that I might be found worthy to be raised up on the last day and participate in the eternal resurrection.

My God I praise you, My Lord I worship you. Stay with me this day, open my heart to see you as you did for the disciple on the way to Emmaus. Teach me how to share the joy of Your resurrection with my neighbor and enemy, that they too might share in the joy of Your resurrection. Hosanna in excelsis!